It was difficult to keep the smile from his lips as Faolan responded to him. There was just something about the way he looked up at him that made him look almost innocent, in a very adorable way, but he kept that thought to himself as Faolan tightened his grip on him. He wasn't wrong. The Irishman's body [i]was[/i] incredibly hot, and not just in temperature. It could make the use of blankets almost unnecessary, but he quite preferred them at the moment. [color=burlywood]"Hmm yes, quite.. [i]hot[/i]."[/color] Lucien emphasized, moving his hand to place it on Faolan's chest, as if wanting to feel his temperature, not that he needed to touch him like this to do so. [color=burlywood]"Though if that's the case, then I suppose you might want some space to.. cool down? I should probably head downstairs, I have to call the bookstore anyway, as much as I'd hate to pull away from you. It [i]is[/i] quite comfortable."[/color] He said a little amusingly, knowing he had to head down eventually. It would be good to get it over with so their rest of the day could go uninterrupted, but it didn't mean he couldn't use this as a chance to tease Faolan a little.