[@Sedjwick] In the future, I would prefer edits to reposts. In this instance specifically, though, you only changed the disc issue, and not any of the other more pressing matters that we discussed story-wise. The big issue being that it speaks directly counter to what I established in the opening post- namely that Toa have faded into mystery and that the Matoran of the Great Exodus built Kongero Nui themselves. Honestly it feels like you're trying to have your character "know all the secrets", so that you can use outside knowledge to your advantage. And frankly, that, plus your unwillingness to allow a barrier of knowledge, minor though it may be, between yourself as a player and myself as a GM, well, it's not necessarily a [i]good[/i] sign. I can't say your character's accepted until I am fairly sure this won't create an issue of uncooperation in the future.