[h3][color=orchid]Andras[/color][/h3] Andras turned to face Nas, somewhat surprised that someone else was approaching her. She actually had a slight hope that it was about her vision, but... of course he asked about the party. Not that Andras wasn't happy that he approached her for this to begin with, but she would have preferred if people took her story more seriously, THEN asked her about going to a party together. Andras confidently put a hand on her hips. "[color=orchid][b]Of course I am![/b][/color]" Andras caught herself immediately, and clarified: "[color=orchid][b]Um! I mean I am okay with you coming with me! Sorry, my mind didn't register the way you worded your que-[/b][/color]" [hr] '[color=mediumorchid]Huh?[/color]' Something was off. Everything froze for a split second. Her vision was flipped, and she was falling into the sky- [hr] "[b][color=orchid]-stion...?![/color][/b]" Andras grabbed onto Nas to prevent from falling over, the sudden wave of vertigo almost overcoming her. She took a deep breath, chills running up her spine. It was for a single moment, in the middle of her speaking, but [i]something[/i] just happened. '[color=mediumorchid]First the encounter in the Root, and now this...? This is... Kind of perfect, isn't it?! I kind of feel like I'm gonna throw up, but all of these strange magical encounters are happening around me! Just like my stories!![/color]' Andras felt a slight giddiness, which mixed oddly with her fading dizziness. She looked up to Nas, which she had somewhat thrown herself on to stop herself from falling. "[color=orchid][b]I'm... guessing I'm the only one that felt that...?[/b][/color]" She hesitantly asked.