She could hear the movement and she could immediately tell that they were going to fight. Well, this wasn't going exactly as she had hoped, but still. This was better than nothing. She moved in so that she could provide Buddy with back up. She was confident that Pylia and Shortfang have the doorway covered. She dashed over to the closest of the gangsters, and used the tonfa for the sole purpose of knocking him unconscious, and delivered an unarmed strike as well. After she did so, she shouted at the gangsters, being Buddy's voice piece so to speak, "All of you are under arrest for trespassing, squatting, and three counts of vandalism! Stand down and come with us quietly!" [hider=Rolls and Info]Sylvia will move up to the closest opponent, and she will use her tonfa attack for non-lethal damage for her action, and then bonus attack unarmed strike for non-lethal damage. If the tonfa is successful in taking out a gangster, she'll direct the unarmed strike to a different gangster. Tonfa: [url=]14[/url] Damage: [url=]5[/url] Unarmed Strike: [url=]25[/url] Damage: [url=]8[/url][/hider]