[hider=Diego Rivera][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191127/563a3413a599a29a0029c44a7aba63e7.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QkeD8zN.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Pd4VAmL.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"To find yourself, think for yourself."[/i][/sub] [/center] [hider=About][color=#E7DBCB][b]AGE:[/b][/color] 24 [color=#E7DBCB][b]PRONOUNS:[/b][/color] Him / His [color=#E7DBCB][b]OCCUPATION:[/b][/color] Chef at [i]Monty's Diner[/i] | Bartender at The Parlour [color=#E7DBCB][b]SEXUAL ORIENTATION:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=#E7DBCB][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/color] [indent]An introvert to the very core, Diego doesn't talk as much as people would probably expect him to; instead, he'd much rather focus more on his own internal thoughts, feelings and moods. However, this does not mean that he's [i]shy[/i] or [i]timid[/i], he's just more reserved and prefers to keep to himself most of the time. Diego is also a very observant and detail-oriented person, something that comes in handy when in social situations and when he's on the job; he tends to notice things that the average person typically wouldn't. When someone approaches Diego or tries to make conversation, he's usually kind and warm; his natural patience is also a big help whenever he has to engage in meaningless conversation with drunken night-clubbers. All in all, Diego is a pretty laid-back individual who most people can get along with. On the more negative side of things, Diego unfortunately has a tendency to be a little too nonchalant, withdrawn and secretive. And although it takes a lot to provoke Diego, once he's pushed past his limit he'll usually say some things that'll be hard to take back or make up for later. It's easy for him to use his words as a way to hurt others, and he becomes especially vicious when someone's pissed him off. Diego also tends to be a little self-absorbed and selfish, especially when it comes to working to achieve his goals. At the end of the day, he'll do whatever he needs to in order to get what he wants, even if it means stepping on some toes.[/indent] [color=#E7DBCB][b]HOW LONG HE'S LIVED IN ASHTON:[/b][/color] 8 years [color=#E7DBCB][b]WHAT DO PEOPLE KNOW?[/b][/color] [indent]Those that have known Diego since he first arrived in Ashton about 8 years ago know him as the "problem child" turned model citizen. After his mother grew frustrated with her son's bad behavior, Diego was consequently shipped from Queens, New York all the way to Ashton, Colorado when he was sixteen years old. From that point onward, he lived with his great Aunt and Uncle, both of whom instantly put him to work in their family diner and began to mold him into the young man they needed him to be. It didn't take long for them to figure out that Diego wasn't as bad as his mother had led them to believe; he was actually quite respectful of his elders, and much more introverted than they'd expected him to be. He was simply a product of his environment... a follower in a group of boys who favored mischief and crime over morals. Now, for those who haven't known Diego very long merely see him as the man with the rough hands, cool tattoos, and kind smile who probably works more than he sleeps or eats. They know him as the guy who occasionally serves them his famous [i]Monty Burgers[/i] when the diner is busy or pours them a drink when they're trying to have a good time in the nightclub. Diego doesn't really let too many people get close to him, but it's pretty well known by his coworkers and basically anyone who asks that he's saving up money to move back to New York within the next couple of years.[/indent] [color=#E7DBCB][b]EXTRA:[/b][/color] CJ Salvador | [color=#E7DBCB]#E7DBCB[/color] He rides a [url=https://img.jpcycles.com/blog/images/2019/07/Harley-Sport-Glide-Softail_V1.jpg]Harley[/url] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Monty's Diner] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/b94da949ed6d295e0c15374edfa5e16d/tumblr_olvph6Qq7I1sg75a4o2_500.gifv[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191127/c37bc9092d7de9779d2c9dc9633e2978.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/jSvxCeqwrmglG/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Monty's Diner has been around for several decades now, and is known for their burgers and cheese steak subs, large portions, and low prices. Many people consider the diner to feel like their second home; the owner, [url=https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5bb6714d220000bb01dcce45.jpeg?ops=scalefit_630_noupscale]Monty Rivera[/url], and his wife, [url=https://ioneblackamericaweb.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/phyliciarashadheadshot.prhotos.jpg?quality=99&strip=all]Charlene[/url], built the place from the ground up when they were just two young newlyweds, and have worked hard ever since to see their creation turn into one of Ashton's hottest spots to grab a bite to eat. Although they've upgraded the inside decoration, waitresses will usually still be seen serving customers on roller skates.[/i] [/center] [/hider]