[hider=Gypsy][center][color=azure] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191127/7c26bcc65cfd06c3f9b15209f5257632.png[/img] [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/factmag-images/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Frances-Bean1.jpg[/img] [color=silver]”I’m the real rock’n’rolla”[/color] [color=silver]Face Claim — Frances Bean Cobain[/color] [color=silver]Color —Silver[/color] [color=silver]Name[/color] Jessica Avery [color=silver]Superhero Alias[/color] Gypsy Lady O Death [color=silver]Age[/color] 19 [color=silver]Sex[/color] Female [color=silver]Sexual Orientation[/color] Heterosexual (Though she has experimented) [color=silver]Hero Connection[/color] Jessica is one of the many humans on the planet with inhuman lineage but is one of only a few that has undergone terrigenesis [color=silver]Appearance[/color] Jess is a stunning young woman with porcelain skin with hair that alternates between her natural blonde or a bottled brown depending on her mood that week. Her eyes are a deep sky blue and her lips are full textured. She is built with strong female curves and is deceptively athletic. She has a few tattoos all of which mean something and her usual dress sense is very rock and roll. She constantly wears gloves to help control her abilities. [color=silver]Personality Traits[/color] Adventurous Artistic Flirty Foolhardy Stubborn Irritable [color=silver]Secret Origin[/color] Canadian Rocker Patty Nix wasn’t the first music star to fall for her manager but she was the first to retire because of it. After only a few late night dalliances, Patty feel pregnant and her partner John did everything he could to stand by her. Nine months later, she gave birth to a daughter, Jessica but she herself did not survive the birth, leaving John a single parent. Johnny struggled for a long time, being a father ate into his work time and he lived for his work. Still, he did everything he could for his baby girl and she very much became the apple of his eye. If Jessica has inherited anything from her mother it was her wild streak. As a child, Jess always found herself in trouble, be it dancing on tables in school, kissing the neighbour boy or tping old man Peabodys beloved Chevy. Like her mother before her, the arts became her outlet. Jessie would draw, paint, write and play music, she had her fingers in as many pies as she could but it still wasn’t enough. Adolescence led her to more extreme outlets, hard partying, skydiving, rock climbing and the one that would change everything, caving. Jess had found an interest in filmmaking and decided to head up to the Canadian rockies to make a documentary. Alone, she wandered the wilderness and was in awe of everything when she happened upon a cave she had not yet explored. Diving deep, she stumbled across a collection of strange crystals, unbeknownst to her they were terrigen crystals. When she accidentally crushed one under her boot, she was engulfed in a strange mist and found herself trapped inside a cocoon. Buried beneath the earth for over the week, when Jess finally broke free something had changed. Stumbling across a drunk camper, Jessica soon found herself inside of his body, using it to find her way back to civility. She managed to get home and once confronted by her father, they discussed their inhuman heritage. Barely able to control her abilities at all, it was decided that Jess would enroll at Mobius in hopes of training herself to use her powers safely. She doesn’t really have any goals of being a hero but if life takes that turn, then it would be yet another great adventure for her. [color=silver]Family Tree[/color] Henry Avery - Ancestor - The King of Pirates and an Inhuman with the ability to teleport. John Avery - Father - A Record Executive and Inhuman with the ability to shape shift. Patty Nix - Mother - Deceased - A failed rockstar [color=silver]Abilities[/color] Possession: Jess’ main inhuman ability is to transfer her consciousness into that of another human being. She does this by destabilising her personal quantum field and merging it with another. She must do this through physical contact. When inside a host, Jess acts as a voice inside of their head, she cannot control the motor functions of a strong willed person but any weak or somehow inebriated (ie a drunk or high individual) is much more easily manipulated. She cannot remain inside anyone indefinitely; the longest amount of time being an hour. She is unable to control this ability at all and as such wears gloves all the time in order to prevent herself constantly jumping bodies. Ability Supercharging: A bio product of her possession ability; when Jess inhabits the body of someone with powers, she enhances their abilities in some way; i.e someone with super strength could become even stronger, someone with enhanced speed could go even faster, an energy projector might be able to increase their range etc. The enhancement fades when Jessica leaves the body. Intangibility: Jess can phase through solid objects and living beings at will. The use of her powers is accompanied by flickering, prismatic afterimages of her body as she quantum shifts through space. So far the only extension of her ability is that of the clothes she wears and not anything extra. Invisibility: Jesica is able to pass in and out of the visible spectrum by breaking down her quantum field. This ability is limited to a single minute however.[/color][/center][/hider]