Ivory arrived back at the Big Top, raising an eyebrow slightly upon seeing Geralt untangling his hands from the silk. Had he tried to get on them? She could not deny that the thought was a little amusing. He did not seem like the type suited to the silks, but she didn't comment on it. [color=darkgray]"Thanks."[/color] She said to his compliment, though she didn't really bat an eye at it. Who knew if he actually meant it. She approached and jumped back onto the stage, detaching the skirt from her outfit just as she usually did with the previous one. She'd have to work putting it back on into this routine as well, so she figured she should also practice it. [color=darkgray]"Taking a liking to the silks?"[/color] She asked as she shoo'd him away from them so she could take her spot there again, setting the skirt down in it's appropriate place. [color=darkgray]"Doesn't seem like your.. [i]style[/i]."[/color]