Geralt did not respond to Ivory's last comment. This was very revealing, but he was sure she realized that. It was clear that this was the "personal bias" that Lucien had mentioned before. Had it been an old flame that had spurned her? An absent father, perhaps, who had another secret family? Maybe she had been the victim of an unrequited affection? Whatever the case, the activities that he engaged in in his own apartment, on his own time, had certainly struck a chord with her. Perhaps she would not be as fun to play with as he had thought, if this was the case. Geralt was guilt of a great many sins, but jealousy and judgement were not ones that he particularly imbibed. Without another word, he twisted his hand and fingers through the air to place Ivory's record back on and began its spinning. He watched her dance again, shaking his head slightly at the mistakes he witnessed along the way. He had no doubt she could correct them by the time of their performance, but it would take a few hours before it was perfect, he was sure. They still had his entrance and Ivory's exit to deal with. [color=crimson]"Left foot this time, and I could see almost up to your knee if I was at the end of the row. Your right elbow again, and your hair."[/color] Overall, this pass had much improved. Ivory had added and subtracted some elements to account for the skirt and the missteps that he had pointed out before, but she had overcompensated this time. She needed to even it out a bit. [color=crimson]"More balance,"[/color] he said, deciding to add these thoughts instead of being solely critical, [color=crimson]"I think you're relying too heavily on your left."[/color]