[h2][b]Eri 'Moram - Dxun[/b][/h2] [hr] Both of the Sangheili dropped their empty needlers, then with their thruster packs, boosted themselves as best as they could towards the door to the next chamber. The rest of their team had already made it through into the chamber with the time the three had bought them, they just needed to follow suit. Though, the curve of the long hallway meant that they could not make it in a straight shot, and they could not make the turn at full speed. It meant they had to slow down, and the raging beast, while not agile, was fast in an outright sprint. Faster than Eri had hoped. Eri did not give Sel any change in orders, so he continued to rush for the chamber, but the Tarentatek would certainly catch the both of them if it was not stopped. It was Eri that stopped and turned back, beam rifle in hand. She had only a few precious seconds to act, react, and line up her shot, and if there was any shot she needed to make, it was this one. She fired her weapon at the creature's ankle, and at the speed it was moving, that would not be the kind of wound it could just shrug off without effect.