Robert smiled at Wren, somethings were universal he figured. “I am glad you too the time you needed,” he said. “I have spent much of my life waiting for hair to dry and be done,” came from his mouth not in a mean or rude way. “My mother and sister liked to have their hair just so,”he added. He walked over and locked the desk drawer for her then extended an arm to escort her to dinner. As they were heading out he said to her, “The meal will be ready, but Lady Agatha will make us wait in one of the sitting rooms. So her spies can study us. I will try to move us to the Library to wait. The chairs are more comfortable and there are distractions.” This was a game of chess and Lady Agatha was a Grandmaster but Robert had learned well from her. The sitting room was very formal, it had a couple chairs that were uncomfortably over fire and. A sitting couch that was comfortable. The room was designed to provoke conversation and that might tip off intentions. There would be a brandy bottle on the table to help loosen tongues. He lead her to the kitchen entrance and then took her into the main hall. The food smelled wonderful and he stole two rolls still hot for them before being shooed out. The steward greeted them and gently reprimanded Robert for using the main door so that they could greet this charming young woman properly. The game was already afoot and the opening moves set in play. The next move would be to watch their reactions and conversations. If he did not pay enough attention to Wren he would be in trouble for not being a good host. If he was too familiar then Lady Agatha would take that as blood in the water and like a shark hone in on it. He let Wren be lead by the Steward and give him her name and vital details that a social situation dictates they Lady Agatha know to be proper.