The unexpected action the Indrik took put everyone on their back foot for an instant, not least of which Sabine, who while lying in wait had to act fast. Whether bleeding over from Sabine's own personality or as a result of practiced control, Sabine's behaviour was often more cautious while transformed, but she did not lack assertiveness. Sabine timed herself to the exact fraction of a second required. She leapt out of the foliage in a flash of bright fur at the periphery of the Indrik's vision. It may have seen a claw flash before Sabine raked into its hind leg, being careful to back off before any kicking hooves could strike back. The wound was not meant to be a killing blow. Sabine ran after the Indrik in front of the rest of the pack with what she planned to be a strong trail of blood and a slowly weakening quarry.