[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4yYjq9dG/Myra.png[/img] [color=9e0b0f][b]Time: [/b][/color] Late morning [color=9e0b0f][b]Location: [/b][/color] Edena. [color=9e0b0f][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Darius [@FunnyGuy], Aklenroth [@Alivefalling] [/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/610964561553522698/610974769193418753/rgrgr.png[/img][/center] Thankfully for Myra, it appeared that Kol, the dark skinned forest person, wasn't hostile to them. Judging by his tone of voice and how he acted near Aklenroth it was safe to assume he was under his command and would be the one responsible for guiding both Myra and Darius to the place they would stay. She still didn't completely trust Aklenroth, but she knew that he wouldn't hurt Darius or her, judging by the way he was treating them and Darius seemed to be happy that she was still by his side, so she wasn't as wary and alert as before. Myra continued following Kol together with Darius as they parted ways from Aklenroth (which made Myra feel a bit better, to be honest), going through a long hallway. Before Myra knew, they were already out of the creepy, huge place they were before and instead were in a completely different place. With the sun shining above them, Myra could feel a much different scent coming from the way they were going. A scent that was much closer to the scent she was able to feel in forests and nearby the places where the forest people lived than the undead castle she was a bit ago. After a moment, Myra saw the origin of the scent she was feeling. As Kol stopped in front of a building, she and Darius stopped as well. The place was not only bathed by sunlight, but was surrounded by an incredibly beautiful garden, with flowers of all colors, even some that Myra had never seen or smelled before. According to Kol, that place was called Edena. Despite her curiosity about the garden being clear and obvious, Myra looked at Darius and Kol first, waiting to see their reactions and what they would do next.