You make your group turn back around, though the prisoners obviously weren't too cooperative. They started making demands about where you were taking them and generally being difficult. They were causing a bit of a disturbance, forcing Buddy to grab on by the face to silence him, dragging him and the others into an alleyway while Pylia and Shortfang did their best to keep them from getting away. However the guards noticed this ruckus and came over to investigate. Your friends moved quickly to get the gangsters somewhere away from prying eyes but before you could follow them one of the guards shouts towards you. "Oi! You there, the lass in red! Wait one moment, we have questions for you!" Three of the guardsmen came over, nonthreateningly but they still outnumbered you and hand their hands resting on the hilt of their short swords. "We've received word of kobold activity in the market, causing a bit of a disturbance. They've been attacking shops and other places, often ones visited by a kobold disguised as a small child or person. Have you seen anyone like that?"