[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oRGaXhl.png[/img] [color=red]Annona Colony - Grand Dock[/color][/center] [hr] Feeling the twisting knife of her antsy feelings, Lillianna had begun to listen in on the comms channels to try to keep herself busy and occupied. At least until the princesses would finally arrive. Just what was taking them so long to get here through the tunnel, however? Though she had no idea of that reasoning, the noblewoman did manage to switch to the security comms channel just as something juicy seemed to come over the line. In fact, something perhaps related to the news she'd just been told prior by one of her newer squadmates. Keeping silent, Lillianna listened in for details until finally a familiar name rang over the comms channel. [quote][color=red]"Victor Galahad, heading out."[/color][/quote] Wait, Victor Galahad? He was here for the parade, right? The Lion if Gibraltar? From what she knew he seemed the seasoned veteran and highly achieved-type, the kinda of guy she'd wanted to maybe spar with if she could get the chance. Always something one could learn from a veteran of their craft. Especially a guy who can pull a situation's head out of its ass. [quote][color=red]"Well, lets see what all the ruckus is about right? If we do it right maybe we won't get court martial-ed after this."[/color][/quote] Before Lillianna could react, she looked up to see the man himself blitzing towards the end of the hangar. Wasn't hard to think of what the chatter down below was like...or what words were flying around. She was antsy, sure, but she wasn't an ignorant idiot either. Yet at the same time, she couldn't help but briefly laugh her ass off after making sure her comms weren't doing any more than listen in to the security channel. This guy was better than she had thought! Rushing off into a situation, breaking protocol and the rigid parade formation, and heading off into the heat of it! She so bad wanted to do so, and in part desperately wished she had been the one to do what Galahad there had just done. Then again, if she tried right now it wasn't going to be pretty since the crowd was already riled up. Damn it all! But Galahad's rank, status, and the like wasn't anything to scoff at, so maybe he'd get away with it better than she would be able to? Bah. Though out of the blue Bernard opened up on her squad's comms line talking to her again, and the man's voice rung over the speakers in the cockpit. "Avocati, seems the situation is getting more dire. Sure' you don't want to get outta here and-?" That little smart-ass in his teasing voice...kicking her while she was down! No more today! A scowl rapidly wrote itself onto Lillianna's face as she quickly pinged back in to her team's comms channel with a growling tone. [color=tomato]"That's it. I damn well warned you, but ya' opened your mouth again. Bernard, you're running combat exercises all through tonight, and I'm going to track your flight time after I get up tomorrow. If you haven't done it right, you'll do it again the next night. Now stand the hell at attention, and don't ping me in the comms again unless its a serious matter. That goes for everyone."[/color] The others were probably listening in. Or maybe a few of them were. She wasn't a paragon of discipline herself, but her ass took her job seriously when it came to her squad. Newbies had to learn to keep themselves in line, at least enough to not die or piss off the upper brass, if she had to be frank about the matter. Even if that meant she had to break them in the "old fashioned way" as Hiroshi might have put it. Heh...old man knew how to give advice at least, among other things. But if nothing else, well, perhaps she could ask about things due to what was going on? Gilbert had a stick up his ass, but at least he wasn't like some nobles she'd seen. Opening her comms once more, the readhead decided that it was at least worth a shot. [color=tomato]"Hey Gilbert, what's going on out there? I have a newbie over here tryin' to listen in on the other comms channels, and while he's getting some discipline tonight over it...I just want to confirm."[/color]