[b][right]DAEDALUS AWAY TEAM 1 // IMMACULATE AEGIS // FLEET SPACE[/right][/b] McKay stood with a small metallic cup of coffee in his hand. The standard military issue kit had been brought aboard so that they could brew the drink, after all, he hadn't been expecting to come across another human from a similar universe to their own. He sipped at the bitter liquid as his eyes poured over the screens. He hadn't really slept since they had come to this universe, having spent as much time trying to find a crazy solution in order to get home before they had found that impossible and instead they tried to interface technology with the shipyard to the point where they could actually build ships that were worth it. From what he had heard by Caldwell was that Hermiod had finally managed to interface with the vessel to a degree where he could [i]input[/i] designs and alter them. Which meant that they now genuinely had the capability to build ships. The issue was who would they get to control them? He made a mental note to see how much Hermiod knew about the O'Neill Class. A couple of them flying around would surely increase their chances. He turned to O'Connell as she spoke up shrugging slightly. Ronon still stood at the back of the room, he had tried to discourage him to go and do something more constructive with his time, yet despite his constant complaints that he was bored he continued to stay nearby. "Not particularly. It should be a smooth test, we'll fly a small ways away, do some stuff and then be back in no time. Easily done."