[quote=@Chasebloodcrest]As the mother proceeds to walk away, she hears the sound of gun being loaded, she turns around just to see...you, aiming Ak-47 at her forehead. "I ain't gonna lose my sale because of that." [/quote] Sir: Growing up as a child, and into my teenage lifestyle, and dealing with it as a adult: I did have connections with law enforcement as my father worked as a correction officer at a state prison. I do understand correction officers, I do understand police officers, I do understand county, state and federal law enforcement because I was a law enforcement brat. Law enforcement says "crime does not pay" and that is not really true. Crime does pay, as criminals do go to prison or jails, and the staff needs to watch over the prisoners. But the staff, they do have a family and the family do have children to raise into adulthood like any other family. Yes, some did use violence with a firearm, and killed someone, and they died a early death and the person is spending years or life in prison. Violence in America, it does support families and raises children to go to the university -- just like me. Joking around by violence, I know the system very well. A parent killed with a firearm, their children may not go to college; a parent killed someone with a firearm, their children may not go to college; a parent that is a babysitter to a murderer, their children is a given their children will go to college. So please, do not joke about violence. I am very aware about the long game about violence, and about cause and effect that last a lifetime.