It had been two days now since Aro had finally touched down on Galar soil and today was finally the Gym Challenge opening ceremony. For the past couple of days he had been equipping himself with new Galarian technology making sure he was kitted and ready to start his new adventure. Things had calmed down in the Sinnoh region and Aro felt like he was no longer needed there to protect it. The presence of Team Galactic had diminished, meaning it was back under control of his sister and the Sinnoh Elite Four. This meant he was able to do what he had wanted to do since he had his first adventure in Sinnoh: Travel to other regions, and take on their best trainers. It was the dawn of a new adventure for Aro and Galar was the first obstacle to conquer. As Aro travelled around Motostoke city he realised how different his dress sense was to the residents of Galar. His big black leather coat that trailed behind him and his mid length jet black hair that seemed to sway in the wind seemed quite gothic compared to the clothing here. However in Sinnoh it was more common. As always Aro’s faithful partner followed alongside him. Luna was a Lucario who had been with Aro since they were both born. Luna hardly ever went into a ball and most of the time could be seen walking just behind Aro. For this reason Luna was the only Pokemon from his team that he brought along to Galar, the rest of his team were left in good hands at his grandparents house. “Let’s hope he’s here Luna. It’ll be good to see him and Neo again.” Aro smiles as he said this as it had been a few years since he had seen his trainer companion, but now they were planning on meeting up and taking on Galar together. As they approached Motostoke stadium Aro saw a familiar looking Klingklang next to his old friend. Kjolmar cried out and waved at Aro from afar. Aro ran over and shook hands with his old friend. “Kjolmar! How have you been buddy! Long time no see!” He said excited to see his friend. Luna bowed in front on Klingklang before starting to play, this was normally Luna’s way of acknowledging a friend.