As Ettamri looked over her map, the remaining options she could glean from the faded parchment wasn’t so pleasant. Backtracking was always an option, but it would require them to head back down the mountain, then head southwards along the mountain to enter a new route at the base, before travelling uphill once more. Optimistically, if no mishaps occurred while they headed downhill on the snow-laden terrain, they could perhaps reach Fort Stalwart in another two days of travel. The sky didn’t seem to be promising deadly weather for now, but another two days of hiking was a weight that bore especially upon the Warrior and her still-recovering stamina. The other option would require backtracking as well, but only up to the plateau. Rather than going down the mountain from there, they could ascend higher up instead, traversing the ridgeline. The chasm really did look like a cut, but it hadn’t split the entire mountain in half; if they reached the ridge, they could simply skirt around the chasm. The incline, as indicated by the map at least, didn’t look impossible to hike up on either, but the powdery nature of the snow may be troublesome. It would be a death sentence if they slipped and fell, but if they took this path, the group would be able to descend onto the main path towards the Fort, and perhaps even reach it by tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, Katya had hopped off the wagon to take a look as well, crawling onto her stomach to peek over the edge. Wow they were high up! The void called for her, and for a moment, Katya wondered what it’d feel like to fall down the side of the mountain. Then, before she could just slide off, the priest pushed herself away, scrambling onto her feet again. Goosebumps bounced beneath her coat and she blinked a couple of times, brushing the snow off her front. Creepy, but cheap thrills were still nice. [color=6ecff6]“Uh, Renauld, can you like, make an ice bridge?” [/color]She tilted her head, considering Oscar’s thoughts as well. [color=6ecff6]“How about an ice and wood bridge?”[/color]