[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190826/f7a348a35c8b1d31a7b382a4f7600571.png[/img][/center][right][@Hero][/right] [color=CB3011]“How is that [i]your[/i] problem?!”[/color] J’torha repeated indignantly. How thick was this auctioneer? [color=CB3011]“I just [i]made[/i] it your problem, if you didn’t notice. But I can make it go [i]away[/i] if you do as I tell you.”[/color] He crossed his arms, tail swishing in aggravated disbelief. Did this man not understand the concept of extortion? He worked in Thanalan for crying out loud, it was practically a cultural tradition. [color=CB3011]“Listen, I don’t give a marmot’s tits about Otkar or what you do with whatever else comes across your podium, all I want is whatever’s related to that property, no more. After that it’ll be as if we never met, I’ll announce I was mistaken, clear your name, the Brass Blades will be none the wiser, and you’ll be back to peddling stolen goods before you know it.”[/color] J’torha was just as adamant as Tilman, giving no ground and hoping he didn’t need to push much harder.