“Well then, I need to see how my new gear runs.” He walked into the armoury and returned with a crate that had a golden symbol on it. “Golden Hand designs, with Dwarven craftsmanship.” He opened it up to reveal an array of equipment. It was Golden Hand ninja armour and equipment, recoloured to remove association with the Clan. With a few improvements. He began suiting up. Taking extra care with the Bracers to make sure all the mechanisms were connected to what they need to be. “So...” He began as he tightened the final straps, aside from the helmet/mask which he was holding. Turning to the group. “Who wants to help me try it out?” [hider=Ninja Armour] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRHltEx5SGPLjDmbe4IuiaY2ColSjc4PkIdC5pAnasxvCkL-63Q[/img] [/hider]