Korash awakens in the local tavern. Stumbling to the bar, his feet still unsure of their footing from the night before. An uncomfterble tightness slowly working up through his stomach. A familiar pain radiating through the back of his head. He slammed down a handful of coins onto the bar, a little harder than he had meant to. Wincing at the sound he had created. "A large serving of whatever you are serving for breakfast today. Preferably something greasy." The bar held most of his weight as he lent against it. "No problem, sir. Take a seat. I'll have someone bring it out to you shortly." Korash smirked. "Thanks, mate." Was the half Orc's response. "Again, no problem. The amount of money you were pouring over the bar last night more than made up for the mess you made." The barkeep gestured to a pool of vomit on the ground. "I found you some clean clothes, and got you cleaned up, but you adamantly refused a room." Korash touched his hip, feeling for his sword. A look of panic flooded his face as it was not there. The barkeep seemed to know what he was looking for. "Your sword is on your back." Korash felt there, to find it was secured on his back. Breathing a sigh of relief. He moved off to find a table. Settled at a table, the barkeep had brought his food over as well a flagon of water. As he took a swig of the cool water, the door to the tavern burst open. Before Korash could place the flagon back on the table, the Tavern was filled with yelling. "She's gone!' Korash winced at the yelling. It was too loud, and he was too hungover. Placing the flagon down he stood up slowly. "Quite please." He held out a hand to gesture that the woman be calm. "Who's gone?" He asked. The answer was the yelling woman's daughter. Just as the barkeep had got this woman settled enough that she stopped yelling, another person came in. Yelling again. Apparently more people had gone missing. Korash sat back at his table and ate, as the barkeep struggled to keep the sudden influx of panicking people in control. Korash wanted to help, but he needed to finish his breakfast first.