Sylvia held her chin in thought over the suggestions and she answered "It might not be a good idea to stay at the Silver Stag tonight. Staying there for a third night in a row might make it too obvious for someone to track us. And the Lightning Company was asking about kobolds, possibly to make them scapegoats, so it might not be a good idea to go Dragonwatch either. I certainly don't mind trying a stay at the Bloated Float tonight. But, where is the Bloated Float...?" She had to admit, she liked the idea of staying at the Bloated Float because of the possibility that they could learn more about Domic and Jackson. She thought it was kind of funny that like her, Buddy didn't know the adventurer's name but remembered Jackson's name just like she did. She then suggested to her friends, "We could also go to Ferric's and get ourselves a mobile home. That would be a good investment not only for our stay here, but also for if we have to leave Gransys. But it might not be discounted since we probably didn't help that many people,"