Aro laughed as Kjolmar mentioned how easy the champion Leon looked and also at the comment about how Kjolmar and Aro both lacked a strong presence in their earlier adventures. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves now, it looks like we both still have to acquire and train new Pokemon for this challenge. We may be able to count on our older Pokemon like Luna and Neo but if we get too cocky, our Chances could be over quickly. I hear the Galar region is fiercely competitive.” Aro went on to say before noticing a new face hiding away behind Kjolmar’s leg. It was safe to say Aro hadn’t seen this species of Pokemon before. The almost dinosaur looking creature seemed timid and cautious of its surroundings. It was clearly new to Kjolmars team. “Bass the Toxel eh?” He crouched down to Bass’s level “Your a cute little guy aren’t you?” He smiled before looking at Luna and Neo once more. “Now you mention it Kjolmar...” he grabbed a poke all from his belt. “...I’d like to introduce our new buddy.” He threw down his ball and from it appeared Aro’s newly caught Dreepy. He had caught it on his first day in Galar and had spent the last couple of days bonding with it. It was very curious of everything it came into contact with, yet still aware of its underwhelming strength. “This is Shade, I’m sure she and Bass will become good enough friends, maybe even to their level” he said whilst looking at Luna and Neo once more. Shade seemed interested in Bass and hovered around him a lot inspecting before smiling at the newly met Pokemon.