once Giovanni reached the wall he could see the devastation. it was an army, no other way to put it. Jumping into the thick of it would be suicide for him that was Squad 11's forte. Gio would be better served as a kipo sniper, or defending the medics when they arrived. He reached for his zanpakuto and grasped the hilt "Harmonize Sorareo" instantly his spiritual pressure became completely balance and controlled. he let go and held both his hands out in front of him like he was dual weilding a set of pistols. the tips of his fingers glow a feint blue as he points towards hollows. "hado 4 byakurai" he only declares the spell once but fires off several condensed looking shots into the hollows that are approaching. He takes it upon himself to shoot any hollow that makes it past a certain point since his aim isnt all that spectacular