[h1]Game Central Station[/h1] A white portal opened and Kalak, in his armour, dropped through, into the center of the station. He looked at the piece of paper again [i]"Meet me at Game Central Station. A matter of utmost importance - X"[/i]. Looking around, he could see the vast amount of colourful characters walking around the station. He was quickly approached by a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/3/3b/Profile_-_Surge_Protector.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/269?cb=20190426044014]glowing blue man[/url] "Papers and ident, please." The man sighed as he approached. "Umm... Excuse me, but i don't have..." He frisked himself. The Surge-Protector stared at him with an ever raising eyebrow. "Well, i'm sure that..." The Surge protector sighed, before 4 posts appeared around Kalak, with tape labelled "Un-authorized Program." "Stay where you are, sir." The Surge Protector said, before walking away. Kalak looked at the tape and noticed that it was holographic. He took a cautious step through it, before smiling. "Not so hard..." He laughed. He then saw several others enter through white portals, elsewhere in the station. Before finally, a portal opened and a man in [url=https://www.khwiki.com/images/a/a9/Armor_of_Eraqus_KHBBSFM.png]Strange Armour[/url] fell through and rolled over a few times, before trying to struggle to his feet, but fell flat on the ground. Kalak ran over to him, throwing his helmet to the side and pulled the man over and threw his helmet off to reveal the distinctive face of Xehanort the Wise. Xehanort coughed up a little blood, before gasping for air. "Master Xehanort... What happened?" He asked. Xehanort looked at him, before leaning up by himself. "That is of no concern to you, young one." He coughed in his raspy, yet soft tone. "In our lives, we have many crosses to bare, this is one of mine..." He coughed up a little more blood as he struggled to his feet, using Kalaks shoulder as a crutch, before dusting himself off. "One does not live as long as I and... Do the things I do without making some enemies along the way. I pray they do not become your enemies." At that point, the Surge Protector popped back up. "Papers and ident, ple-" he began, before spotting Kalak. "Hey, what are you doing outside of your Quarentine Zone?" He growled. "Do not worry yourself. I have his papers here." He said, handing a few pieces of paper to the Surge Protector. The man looked through them for a second. "Seems to be in order, I'll direct your attache's to you upon their arrival." He said, before looking over at one of the plugs. "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU, QUBERT!!! He roared, before disappearing.