[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] The paladin appeared to have taken it on herself to shun the militaristic appearance of so many of her fellows, not conjuring her armour or even displaying epaulettes or medals such as the captain. A black gown, hugging tightly and making it clear that mistaking Tyaethe for a child today would in no way be an option--but relatively unadorned, save for golden embroidery at the edges, an interlocked pattern of lilies and roses. It rather made the rest of her, pale skin and white hair, stand out all the more. Of course the peaceable approach was rather defeated by having possibly the largest sword of any of the knights casually slung over one shoulder. At least comparing it to her bare arms made it clear how little muscle actually went into wielding it. In her other hand, the vampire had already acquired and half-drained a glass of wine, looking around at the crowd as if trying to spot something. Only made more difficult by the lack of height... so she ambled up to Gerard. "Seen any nobles looking particularly annoyed since we came in?" [@HereComesTheSnow]