[h1][center]If your sheet has already been approved, put em here. [/center][/h1] [hider=Character Sheet] [hider=Medium] Name: Age: Gender: Normal Appearance: Medium Appearance(Their magical girl transformation/armor up/magic clothes they use when either channeling or summoning) Channeling Abilities, Spells, Stats, etc(Remove Channeling details if your medium can only perform Summoning.): Grade (If a student): Personality: Background: Other: [/hider] [hider=Spirits] Spirit Name: Spirit Classifications: Spirit Personality: Spirit Appearance(Their True Form): Sealed Appearance(Their disguised Form): Summoning Abilities and Stats(Leave Blank if your Medium can only channel): Spirit Charge (Leave Blank if you choose not to have Spirit Charge move): Other Information: [/hider] Weakness and Limitations(List of weaknesses and/or limits to the abilities and powers of both Channeler and Spirit, full extent/maximum limit of their respected thresholds): Contract(Write of the scene between your human and spirit character and the creation of their contract. Describe the dream room of the spirit, what the spirit specifically offers, etc.) [/hider]