[img]https://i.imgur.com/kqCeKN6.png?2[/img] [hr] Promise R&D wing. Trevor’s block. Radvi had been called over for something, quote-unquote, [i]‘bitchin’’[/i]. “Here.” He handed Radvi a handgun-looking tool - a taser, specifically. Grey surface with a yellow business end, multiple white constructional markings, a little ‘TN’ on the grip. “It’s a taser.” Radvi said, in a rather unimpressed tone. “It’s an [i]anti-parahuman[/i] taser.” Trevor retorted, “It’s a prototype power-draining tool. It leeches the potential energy paras use for their bullshit, stores it inside the projectiles, and renders it inert.” “Huh…” Radvi said, admiring the concept as he looked down at the work in progress in his hand. “So this is what you’ve been working on all this time.” “Me and a bunch of other guys have been working on several null tech prototypes.” Trevor said, grabbing a pack of extra projectiles from his desk, “This is just the simplest thing I could pump out as soon as possible, and just in time for this dumb-shit homecoming nonsense Dunbar’s throwing. You’re gonna be my guinea pig - take it out for a spin, use it on any shit-kids who get too rowdy, tell me how it goes.” “What about Arianna?” “Who?” “A-… y’know, the… the [i]Jello Bitch[/i].” “Even fucking better - [i]if[/i] she decides to turn up. Although I have my doubts on how well it’ll affect [i]her[/i] specifically, given her power. But beyond that, I still need to see how it works on different paras with different variables in their physiologies.” “Trevor, I’m not going to go shooting anyone with this unless they [i]actually[/i] need to be shot, alright?” Radvi said as he held the taser up. “Oh don’t you worry.” Trevor replied as he took a seat back at his work desk, “Whole station caught up in the festivities, kids sneaking alcohol into the punch bowls, too drunk or too pissed or [i]both[/i] to be reasonable about how they swing their shit around? You’ll have a bunch of targets in no time! I mean SERIOUSLY-“ He slammed the desk with his hand. “-what the FUCK is going through Dunbar’s head with this horse shit?!” The sound of a door shutting was the first thing to answer Trevor’s question, followed by Gennedy clearing his throat at the entrance and crossing his arms at the two. “Is there an issue in here?” “Not in [i]here[/i] specifically.” Trevor replied, nonplussed by Gennedy’s presence, “But on the station as a whole? [i]Plenty[/i].” “Trevor.” Radvi said as he turned his head, reprimanding him for his tone of voice. Gennedy grunted in response, but didn’t seem to disagree with Trevor’s statement. “Dunbar and several others think it’s necessary to regain some good faith between security and occupants.” the man explained, walking forward to inspect the newly developed tool that Radvi was holding. If he wanted to see it, he didn’t voice his request. “I can’t say whether it’s the best decision or not, but Wrath and I thought funding projects like this one would be… more effective uses of our time. Rather than encouraging misdemeanors.” “Spin them around blindfolded while we make up new ways to neuter them.” Trevor replied all so candidly, “Which I’d be all for, but unfortunately, a lot of those kids down there have enough brain cells to rub together to see what a crock of shit this all is.” “I have to agree with him, sir.” Radvi added, “We both know at least a handful of students down there aren’t going to just sit and take this. And… who knows whoever else.” Gennedy shrugged at this. “Wrath voiced similar concerns. Unfortunately we were outvoted. All I can do now is prepare my men and women as best I can.” Radvi nodded. Trevor just leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Sir, before I forget…” Radvi continued, “I have some more info on my suspect. Including a name.” [sub]“Jello Biiiiitch.”[/sub] Trevor said under his breath. Gennedy gave Radvi a pointed look, but didn’t say anything other than giving the man his attention. “Arianna.” Radvi continued, “Anderson gave me her name. He said he saw her during orientation. He saw the same footage I sent you and he recognized her.” “How did Anderson witness the footage?” “I… it was my decision to have Freaky-D show it to him. I thought that… since [i]he[/i] was so caught up in all the past events, he might know something I didn’t.” “Well, I hope you are up to damage control, then. We have an unpredictable potential distributor of that footage and unreliable information of a first name from a seventeen year old to show for it.” “Sir, I know it’s hard to believe, but D isn’t pulling any tricks. He provided a sample of the suspect that Trevor-“ “Yo.” Trevor interjected with a wave. “-[i]confirmed[/i] was part of a super-organism. As for Anderson, I… I just don’t take him for the type to [i]lie[/i], sir.” “I take it you don't take this super-organism responsible for over three hundred deaths as the type to lie either.” Gennedy said, his frown frown deepening with every word. He raised his hand to massage the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Okay, this is how it’s going to go, Jacob. You prove to me that this ‘Freaky-D’ person isn’t working against us and I’ll get him an ID so he can stay. But if he shows that footage to [i]anyone[/i], it’ll be your ass and Anderson’s, D’s, and anyone else that he shows the video to’s head. Am I clear?” “Yes, sir.” Radvi replied, resolute. “Good. Trevor.” Gennedy said, recognizing the other man before he departed from the lab, leaving the other two to their own devices. Trevor leaned forward from his chair, eyeing Radvi. “So you really are taking your stocks in a roller-skating clown and a teenage werelizard.” He said, “I mean, at least the clown has done some fair work. I know sound waves are something to work on to put up against Jello Bitch.” “Yeah.” Radvi replied solemnly, “So… you still want me to hold onto this?” He held the taser up. “Bedfellows regardless, you’re still the guy I trust the most among the security force around here.” Trevor replied, “You’ll do good work. I’m confident. In the meantime though, you should get ready to deal with tonight’s shitstorm. I’ll be pluggin’ away here.” Radvi nodded, staring back down at the taser in his hand. At the very least, he was getting somewhere with all this. One little step at a time.