[hider=Eska][center][h3][color=c4df9b]ℂardinal ℝift[/color][/h3][hr][i][img]https://i.imgur.com/9wFCF7e.jpg[/img][/i][hr][/center][indent][i][h3][color=c4df9b]ℙersonal 𝕀nformation[/color][/h3][/i][/indent][color=d8cfbe]Name: [/color] Eska of Clan Emmeret [color=c4df9b]Age: [/color] 22 [color=c4df9b]Race: [/color] Askhetan Tribal Beastman [color=c4df9b]Gender: [/color] Female [color=c4df9b]Appearance: [/color] She's fairly short at around 5'4", skin fairly tanned by the sun, with a slight build that belies the power behind her muscles. Her hands sports wickedly sharp claws that could tear into fabric and flesh easily. Her teeth were sharper as well, with longer incisors. On top of her head was a black tipped bestial feline ears, matching the striped back and orange tail coming out of her tailbone. For those who knew of them and sees her undisguised, there would be no doubt that she belonged to the tiger beastmen of Askhet. [hr][indent][i][h3][color=c4df9b]𝕊o 𝕆n & 𝕊o 𝔽orth[/color][/h3][/i][/indent][color=c4df9b]Reputation: [/color] As a beastman, with ears and tail evident, she wouldn't be received too well. Whether it be superstition, racism, or just pure mistrust of the unknown, without covering who she was, it was likely she be, at best, shunned, or at worst, attacked, kidnapped or otherwise harmed. With her larger tiger ears covered, and her tail wrapped around her inside her skirt, she was but another face, passing through the streets with other faces. It was rare that she would ever approach a human settlement uncovered however, thus most would know of her as either that hunter that lives in the forest with the strange dress, odd but nothing really out of the ordinary for people that lived alone and in the woods. [color=c4df9b]Alignment: [/color] Neutral. She did not really have a stake in the current power struggle. Magic was magic and technology was technology. As long as they do not affect her directly, she did not really care one way or another. Coming from another place where the individual mattered more than the politics, she also do not view the problem the same way as those on Croania did. [color=c4df9b]Skills: [/color] As part of a tribe on Askhet, she was long used to doing many things. Survival in the wilds in general, tracking, hunting, leather making, rudimentary medicines with herbs and poultices, to even making salt from sea water. Her marksmanship with a bow and arrow was exemplary as well, especially considering the huge draw weight of her longbow. [color=c4df9b]Backstory: [/color] She grew up in Askhet, raised by Jeckeras of Clan Emmeret and Desira from Clan Mekhi. From her father, she learned how to survive, from her mother, she learned to work the materials she gathered. When she was but a bit older, she found a spirit, and formed a contract with it, becoming one of the shamans of the tribe, and was venerated for it. Young, and inexperienced however, she was only very rarely consulted by her tribesmen, and only then when it involved the crops. Slowly, but surely however, she was learning how to take over the duties of a shaman, should the others not be available, and their trust in her skill slowly but surely grew. It was unfortunate, that one day, she committed a taboo to the tribe, on that required her to be banished or executed. A single arrow, shot at a hind, catching instead the young scion of the chief as he moved in her line of sight. Disgraced, with her honor lost, she took up all her worldly possessions, and left. Procuring a small skiff from another tribe with exchanged favours, she sought out an island on which she may stay with an overly curious dryad tagging along, through which, after a series of misfortune, she found herself on Croania. [color=c4df9b]Miscellaneous: [/color] She carries a wide bladed iron sword, with a short handle and almost nonexistent handguard. It was heavier than most swords, weighted towards the blade. Primarily a tool rather than a weapon. Her bow was a seemingly a few strands of long vines twisted together tightly, almost as long as she was tall standing up. A white 5 petaled flower grows at the very tip of the bow. It was not a bow one could draw solely with the arm, requiring the use of one's back muscles as well. With sheer draw weight of its pull, very few longbowmen could even pull it to full draw. Anyone with a good eye would notice the bow was entirely made out of living plant, even the string. [hr][indent][i][h3][color=c4df9b]𝕄agic[/color][/h3][/i][/indent] [color=c4df9b]Contract Gift: [/color] While possessing of no traditional gate the locals of Cronia would recognize, she can manipulate and develop any plant life around her. Because she was changing the plants directly, any changes made would not need to be maintained by a steady flow of energy, leading to her being able to build things like her bow, or furniture off of them. [color=c4df9b]Contract Sacrifice: [/color] To uphold the every wish of the Contractor, and to protect their domain whenever called upon. [color=c4df9b]Contract Restrictions: [/color] Never hunt more than what was needed, and to offer prayers of thanks for those that had given up their lives to feed yours. [color=c4df9b]Field: [/color] Her abilities only reach up to 10m around her. [/hider]