Agatha saw Shock watching them both, and it occurred to her that [i]Shock[/i] had been the one to trip Barrel, resulting in him being positioned just perfectly to do the soul gaze. Had the two of them [i]planned[/i] that? ...No, Barrel had been doing heavy lifting all day and his sister had been in the shop, so they couldn't have talked about it without Agatha seeing. And they couldn't have predicted where Barrel would be helping out, so they couldn't have planned it out last night. So the tripping was definitely not a dual act. But had Barrel just taken advantage to try and get her to go easy on him... Or had [i]Shock[/i] tripped him in an attempt to trigger a Meat Cute moment? ...Carver [i]had[/i] been pretty forthcoming with advice on how to approach him. Shock had to protect her reputation as a bitch and therefore couldn't be openly helpful. But she did care about both her brothers... Was it possible that she and Carver had thought up something like this to help move things along, and Shock had just taken advantage of the moment? Agatha squinted at the eldest trickster. Shock [i]was[/i] in a decidedly better mood, now... And if the witch [i]hadn't[/i] been too mad at Barrel, this [i] would[/i] be a point to start congratulating herself. The trip [i]had[/i] been executed exquisitely... Bones. She'd probably just ruined a carefully laid out plot to finally get them together! But the attempt had still been valiant, so Agatha probably still owed a thanks. Hmm...