[quote=Star Platinum] Yoshimitsu's arm shot like a rocket to catch the wrist of the attacking Taiki. A sudden burst of adrenaline and spiritual pressure rose up in the youthful shinigami's body. Turning to face his assailant, he held their wrist in an iron grip that seemed inappropriate for someone of his size and stature. "I would have preferred if the Captain were to make the final call here," he said in a frightening monotone, "but I guess you're not intent on waiting." He drew his sword forth, slicing at his opponent's chest. [/quote] Taiki was surprised. Yoshimitsu hadn't shown any hint of this kind of skill yet. He was more and more confused by this guy with every move. Was he fool or is that just an act? Either way it was annoying. Taiki swung up with his other hand blocking Yoshimitsu's sword and locking the two of them in a stand off. "Trying to change his mind would take longer than just getting this over with. If you concentrated you'd sense that the enemies are focusing on the seireitei and haven't targeted any innocents. And don't underestimate our other comrades. Most of them can handle this level of hollow. If things were really bad I'm sure the captain would do what he had to..." [i]At least I think.[/i] Taiki heard the captain give his thoughts on the situation. "There. Now that you've got his "final word" will you get a hold of yourself?" Taiki's blocking ARM was starting to struggle due to his earlier encounter with the captain so he decided to try and separate from Yoshimitsu. He pushed off the ground and raised a swift knee in between them aiming at Yoshimitsu's chin.