(If you'll have one more!) [hider=Elsie Arden][center][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191202/979a0bd847f2d2b52b94447c34f904f5.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/10/f5/3c/10f53c75b5340f2929338fdb1bfe537e.jpg[/img] [hr][color=7bcdc8][b] [i]Age:[/i] [/b][/color] Twenty-two [color=7bcdc8][b] [i]Pronouns:[/i] [/b][/color] She / Her [color=7bcdc8][b] [i]Profession:[/i] [/b][/color] Currently unemployed and desperately searching for income, but she will say she is an artist. She has performed with local artists and filled in for missing acts in whenever she can, though this was typically in exchange for a night on a couch. [color=7bcdc8][b] [i]Time in Ashton:[/i] [/b][/color] Two Weeks[/center][hr][color=7bcdc8][center][h3]PERSONALITY [/h3] [/center][/color][hr]A pair of rose-colored glasses seem to always be situated upon the bridge of Elsie’s nose. The level of over-optimism she presents to even the most mundane situations occasionally leaves people assuming she is inauthentic. The missed or lost connections as a result of this has stifled and steeled some of her demeanor, but granted her a hint of witty humor utilized as a way to relate to others. Elsie is quick to jump on the opportunity to socialize and spends much of her time out and about, though this could also be directly related to the fact that she has only just found an apartment and her car was getting a bit cold at night. Curiosity has so often nearly killed the woman, with an insatiable need to learn and discover. A well dusted and polished childhood left this urge fulfilled within the pages of a vast collection of books, but her newfound freedom has brought it all to life. With this naivety and ability to be so easily captivated, she has recently offered herself to more trouble than anticipated, though she somehow spins these experiences into just good stories. [hr][color=7bcdc8][center] [h3] EXTRAS[/h3] [/center][/color][hr]Being a fresh face to Ashton, Elsie’s addiction to caffeine, generous greetings to strangers, and knack for performing is the extent to which most know the girl. She is eager, possibly too eager, to meet a few townies, however. [list][*] Elsie was taught piano at a young age per her mother’s request, but she also picked up guitar along the way. She is overall musically skilled, but most of her talent falls in her voice. [*] She writes spoken word along with her own songs, but they rarely make it to light. [*] She has a fascination with aging literature and film. But her favorite will always be horror flicks. [*] Has a passion for conservation and sustainable living. She also has a very green thumb and knack for gardening as a stress reliever.[/list] [/hider]