[center] [h1]Lakewood City![/h1][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/566759449335955486/652028951425974273/LAKEWOODBAYBEEFINALfinal.png[/img][/center] [hider=Places of interest] Lakewood High: Lakewoods high school which is joined together by Lakewood middle school on the left wing. Lakewood City: A bustling city of moderate size between forest and ocean. Sky Scrapers acting as hotels and casinos (It's the future gambling is legal more I guess), and old abandoned factories make up the business district. Expensive shore town houses, cheap broken down apartments, and plenty of taverns litter the city, with a few parks sprinkled in between. The Pier: A pier with a lighthouse, amusement park, and of course, the beach. Long docks make up popular fishing points. Peark Lake: It's a lake. A big lake nestled in the middle of the woods, next to the school and a camp. Camp Lakewood: A summer camp nestled on the far end of the lake's shore. The Suburbs: Middle Class housing Jebediah's Farm: A large plot of farm owned by an old man named Jebediah, most of it's wide open corn field with a few ranges for cows and horses. A small barn and silo for hay with a modest farmhouse. Slums: Closely pact together poor houses with the occassional shady bar sprinkled around. The Foxhole: A Cafe right by the school in the outlet. Harry's Burgers: A fast food place, but the owner's name is actually Larry. Jerry's Pets: A local pet store owned by a guy named Jerry, go figure. He's a bit weird. Lakewood Mall: It's the mall. [/hider]