[color=crimson]"Well, that is good to know..."[/color] Geralt assented. It didn't seem this track was a good one to take with the Fire Dancer. She was giddy and friendly, and concerned, but was not jumping to any conclusions. She knew her friend well, it would take more than one prod to get her to crack. No matter, there were others, both tactics and troupe, to try. He smiled over at Akane as he felt her hand touch his shoulder, [color=crimson]"Or three, I noticed you have some to spare."[/color] He winked, unable to keep the joke at bay. There was a small pause, then he looked down at her with a mask of sincerity that not even Ivory could claim was an act. [color=crimson]"Thank you very much, Akane. I truly appreciate that."[/color] Their conversation came to an end as they drew closer to the mess area and heard Cora say: [color=00a99d]"Oh, so a little higher then? Like this?"[/color] This was followed by singing, not loud and obnoxious, but light and pleasant. Though the tone was high and hopeful, the sound of Cora's voice was alluring and soothing. Geralt felt a wave of pure relaxation hit him as they got closer to the mess area. Though he was usually not greatly effected by talents that eased the mind, other than drink and narcotics, he had not been expecting this and so was caught off guard. The feeling wasn't sudden, and in fact it felt like it had always been there and was just growing stronger. For a moment, he felt his eyelids drooping and his muscles relaxing as he gave in to the sound of it. It was like a cool breeze on a warm day and a warm bed on a cool night, all at once. [i][color=crimson]Watch this witch...even you are falling under her spell.[/color][/i] The sound of these grating words snapped Geralt from his temporary lapse in attention. Despite his disagreements with...him...he could not deny the truth of this statement. The girl's title of "La Sirène" may have been more literal than he originally imagined. As the two approached, he blinked slowly several times and turned his smile towards Cora, [color=crimson]"My goodness...what lovely sounds you make. I was convinced there was nothing more beautiful about you than your face, and I daresay I was wrong."[/color] Illyana, who had been reading contentedly with a sandwich on her plate that had one small, mouse-sized bite taken out of it, looked up as she heard Geralt's voice. She was glad to see that Akane was with him, but the pleasant half-smile on her face instantly vanished as she looked over at him, then back down at her book. Of course, he was complimenting Cora again. Though Illyana was glad to be immune to his attentions, she felt bad for her friend who knew no better than to trust this overbearing kindness. Cora stopped singing immediately when she saw Geralt and Akane approach, and her face cheeks grew bright pink at the Magician's words. [color=00a99d]"Oh, please!"[/color] she said, unsure of what else she could say. She was aware of the effect her voice could have on people, but everyone around here had grown used to it's sounds. She decided then and there that it was nice to have someone else around to see everyone's talents, and she couldn't wait for Geralt to see her and Lucien perform together. Geralt looked between the two of them, Ringmaster and his singer, and gestured towards them as he took a seat. [color=crimson]"Well, don't stop on my account. Please, continue."[/color] he smiled at them both, taking note of the sheet music under Lucien's pen and the title of Illyana's book as he did so. "Folklore of the Vikings"...nice try, but no dice.