Akane couldn't help but let out a small giggle at his comment. [color=rosybrown]"Only a couple, but don't tell anyone~"[/color] She told him, her smile changing to that of amusement. Honestly it was a bit curious that he hadn't actually asked her about them. Perhaps he already knew what she was? If he didn't, she couldn't help but wonder how much the man had seen in his life to not question something like this. She was glad that her words had seemingly helped Geralt. She wanted nothing more than for everyone to get along, but she knew with Ivory that would take time. If Geralt was genuinely a nice person, she figured it would only be a matter of time before Ivory realized it, and maybe went a little easier on him. It was then that they arrived at the mess area, and the kitsune took her seat next to Cora once more, glad to be able to hear a bit more of her and Lucien's practice. The ringleader glanced up from his sheet of music as Geralt arrived at the table. He didn't say anything to Geralt's compliments of Cora, at this point he couldn't expect the magician not to say anything, and he couldn't really disagree with him either. Cora's voice was extremely calming, even to him, though he made sure to block a little of it out if he felt it would be too distracting to continue with his notes. During their journey he had finished composing the song that they would be performing this time around, and he had found this a good time to practice. Sometimes Lucien alternated between using existing songs, or deciding to put together his own music if he had the time and inspiration. Considering the circumstances.. he thought maybe their next theme should be a little more.. hopeful, to people. [color=burlywood]"That pitch you just used was perfect, let's try that again but with a little less accent going into the next verse, it will make the transition a lot more smooth."[/color] He told her. The sheet of music he had against his clipboard was filled with notes, areas of the song where he could afford to play a higher pitch because Cora's voice range had no limits. He was trying to maintain a good balance in this song between it being upbeat but also calming. He didn't want one to overpower the other too much, so he was adding his edits as they went. For a moment, he paused, taking a glance in Illyana's direction. [color=burlywood]"Illy, please don't be so distracted by your reading that you forget to finish your food."[/color] He added. By now the lot of them had finished, but Illyana was nowhere near being done even though they had all sat down around the same time. While he knew she tended to be a slow eater, he wanted to make sure that she got more food in her system if she was going to be doing more readings today.