[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/163dc10b-061c-4aa2-bdaa-4c4f6cd4d02b.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] L11 (Beach party!) [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] It was nice to see that Alexander was doing okay. It seemed that even though the change was overall good, it was still a lot to take in at once. "[color=00aeef]It sure is one hell of a view. Didn't think I would see one like it again before coming here.[/color]" The Vet had been thinking, and had opened up a bit to the retired dentist. About those they lost, those that left, those who were gone before all of this went down. "[color=00aeef]Almost seems unfair at times. That we're the ones who get to make it this far.[/color]" He stopped for a moment. Unsure how to continue. This was odd for Manny, normally he could always think of something to say. The ability to speak made things a lot easier to think, a lot easier to cope, a lot easier to figure things out. "[color=00aeef]I'm sure that those who aren't here now though would be glad to know we made it though. I would be if the roles were reverse, and those that I cared for made it. Even if I didn't... It... it helps to think that they would have wanted us to make it this far... and to make the most out of what we have now.[/color]" Being twice widowed, once before the world fell, and once after, he wanted to believe that they both would have wanted him to make it this far. Even though if given the chance, he would gladly take their places so that they could be here. Alexander was right though. "[color=00aeef]Yeah just... got to keep moving.[/color]" Manny despite being an overall calm and collective person, who could try and see the good in almost any situation, struggled now. Things for the first time in years finally felt normal, giving a chance to realize how fucked up the last few years have been. Just how many people didn't make it so far. His composure was starting to struggle, seeing Alexander open up a bit more helped down that road as well. "[color=00aeef]Yeah um... food... food sounds good...[/color]" He wasn't actually hungry. But anything to help work past this would help right now. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00a651]Private Hunter James Monroe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c08a6051-3ab9-4c98-87b6-05533c8b19e8.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] L11 (Booze spot) [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Hunter believed that for his age, he had many skills. He could handle a large array of firearms with relative ease, he could make things burn and explode for the hell of it, and he knew how to survive all 3 different kinds of bear encounters. Though some are prettier then others. As a tip, Polar bears will fucking kill you, no questions asked, they know no peace. But as they were in Florida, he had little reason to worry about Polar Bears. What he did have to worry about was one of his more lacking skill sets. Human interactions. It didn't help things that he showed himself to be an anti social asshole on his first day here, way to go Hunter. And it didn't help that the booze were the main thing giving him confidence and motivation to tough through this. Sure, the beach was pretty, sure there were some nice people, but this was a lot for someone who hadn't even seen another human being for months prior to a week ago. And those people were kinda sucky at best. To get things going, the first girl he had tried to be nice with seemed to hate him for some reason. Amelia he was pretty sure her name was. He couldn't get why she hated him though. Did she know him from some of the darker parts of his past? He wasn't a fan of the dirty looks she had towards him, but couldn't blame her that much there. Poor start to things and all. But that thought could be let go, as the girl she spent a lot of time with came over and walked her away without much for words. He wondered what their relationship was. Siblings? Close friends? Fellow survivors? He made a mental note to figure out how to read people in social situations better. Checking for weapons or tricks? He has done that sure. But social standards? To hell with them, he probably burned the book. Then the other girl, Lisa, talked to Thalia a bit, and to his surprise helped convince Ada to give him some more drinks. "[color=00a651]Thank you.[/color]" He said calmly to Ada. "[color=00a651]Thank you.[/color]" He repeated to Lisa. He decided that maybe she was decent too, Though he didn't like her pointing out the reasoning. Hunter hated seeming weak to others. Then came Iron[s]Man[/s] Woman. Seeming slow to answer his response at first. Probably was a bit too personal of him to ask, but she seemed like one of the more interesting people here. She pointed to one of the very old guys, and to Thana, the woman who seems connected to everything here. "[color=00a651]A fucking... power saw?[/color]" He had heard a lot of crazy things over the years. Seen a lot of Crazy things. Has done a lot of Crazy Things. But that definitely made the list of at least top 15. He could decide later where at. He wondered what he could do in that situation. Would he be able to cut his own arm off with his axe? No... probably no. He would need to find another way, and it may not be quick enough. Pros and cons to having people travel with you he guessed. Right when he was thinking he started understanding this woman, she started going feral. Sounded like something over shrimp. "[color=00a651]I mean.... not a huge fan myself... but go right at it.[/color]" He didn't mind the dead fish things much, but there were definitely others he preferred. Nigel was a bit more of a grounded person so talking to him was a bit easier. Even though that is kind of a hypocritical want from Hunter. "[color=00a651]She'll for the most part be inside except if she is with me. And even then... Restricted like hell.[/color]" He understood the reasoning, it didn't mean he had to like it. Granted if it was his choice, he would set up some kind of scrap yard dog park outside the walls and live an open life. Try and fake the old days and all that. He seemed upset about the other Monroe leaving for bed rest. Beer should help with that though. "[color=00a651]Just keep drinking. It helps when they leave.[/color]" Not specifying who [i]They[/i] were. Finishing his current drink though he did nod as Ada offered another drink. "[color=00a651]If you're offering then yeah...[/color]" Booze helped forget those who had died, and those who had left.