Meesei took in the scent of her singed fur as she glanced down at her arm. "I do believe I have read about Indriks before, at some point...perhaps I should have paid closer attention to that book." She commented, walking around behind the head of their lifeless prey. She knelt down and quickly tore out a large chunk of the Indrik's throat, if only to make [i]sure[/i] it was actually dead, and would not have any more surprises for them. Ahnasha, much like most of the rest of the pack, was already staring hungrily at the corpse. But, even as her beast spirit had her salivating, she could not help but to notice some strange behavior on the part of Kaleeth. The werecrocodile was sitting on the ground next to the Indrik, lightly snapping at the air periodically for no apparent reason. "There...something the matter, Kaleeth?" Ahnasha asked. Kaleeth tilted up her head towards Ahnasha. "Mmysthtongthishore." She replied back in an almost entirely unintelligible slur. Kaleeth now had some of the others' attention as well, while Ahnasha tilted her head in confusion. "Um...what?" This time, Kaleeth slowed down and tried to put more emphasis on each word. "Myyth...ffongue...shlocked." Now that Ahnasha was looking closer when Kaleeth spoke, she could see that there were some burns in Kaleeth's mouth and her tongue was quite swollen. Her jaws had been latched down on the Indrik when it let out its shock, and that jolt had probably went right through her tongue. She doubted that Kaleeth could feel her tongue at all at the moment, and after a brief pause, Ahnasha could not help but to start letting out a deep laugh. A fearsome werecrocodile slurring words like a drunk was simply ridiculous enough that she could not resist. "Noff...fummy." Kaleeth tried to answer back, but the attempt only made Lorag start laughing as well.