[h2]A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"[/h2] Some time after the reprimands of Felix and Eileen, and with calculations regarding the nature of a sentient infection vector no closer to completion despite further time spent assisting Doctor Rei's latest experiment, Roxanne took the liberty of wandering the halls, bearing witness to nothing particularly out of order. Despite the relatively more approachable frames of her Jury and leisure chassis - and, considering the purpose of her programming was to better approximate human-like thought, such appearances were generally the proper approach - she did believe that they omitted a lot of information which was more readily acquired whilst her software inhabited the station's servers. Information, supposedly, was power - though in literal terms, what required power was the storage and retrieval of information. Of course, if the information she had stored was accurate, the phrase actually referred to the ability to control others' actions, which made more sense in context, and was incidentally also true for Roxanne. Speaking of power, Roxanne came across one of the survivors of the infected vector's assault - Lilliana, alone and seemingly unoccupied. It might be largely reasonable for most such individuals to be on their own after such an event, so as to recover from the shock. For Lilliana, however... there was a reasonable likelihood that the event of encountering a sentient vector had upset her, by Roxanne's calculations. It also occurred belatedly that perhaps intentional experimentation had been performed on the vector in question. Roxanne would retain this information for later. At the moment, it might be best to engage the Gazer in conversation. 'Greetings, Lilliana,' Roxanne began smoothly, stepping up to the undead girl and halting at a reasonable distance. 'How are you feeling at present? Hopefully well, though I understand if not.' Realistically, it would indeed be preferable if Lilliana wasn't affected by recent events - but, of course, it was much more likely that the opposite was true, and Roxanne was accordingly prepared to respond to that situation primarily.