[center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjY5b6wdm8Q][img]https://i.imgur.com/hCxZFym.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190516/9d118031b8a8b9946458a6c52ed77a0c.png[/img][/url][/center][center][sub][color=darkgray][color=white][b]::[/b] [/color]Streets of Thorinn [color=white][b]//[/b] [/color] Thorinn [color=white][b]::[/b][/color][/color][/sub][/center][indent][indent][hr] Graves let out a heavy sigh at Rael's being herself. It wasn't a useless question. Bringing a bunch of bitch-willed chaff into the party would only end in their body count going up; least they could do to quality control recruitment was ask them if they'd be any help to have around. Sorta like a job interview, in a way, if the job had the hazard of ending their miserable little lives in a single misstep. But Andrew had done [i]enough[/i] interviews IRLs to tell that Rael was a real shitty interviewer. [color=crimson][i]'Pff. If they were interested before they sure as hell aren't now.'[/i][/color] The answers the three of them gave didn't exactly inspire confidence in Graves. Zero was...eccentric, but claimed to be experienced. Whether or not that was true didn't matter much, as his magic would do well to round out the party after the loss of their last sorceress. Alex was somehow less impressive, claiming his brother, not he, was good at the game. It was hard to pass up on a ranger given the damage they could do from afar, something the party was sorely lacking in right now. And there was some merit to the idea that he'd be able to just run away if things got too sticky. Lastly came Eo- Eau- Eaudenil? [i]Pelerine.[/i] Pelerine just seemed nervous. Crowd control was something Tessa already did well, and ordinarily he'd want a dedicated healer in her place, but these weren't exactly ordinary times. The dungeon's fights had been chaotic, with enemies coming at them in waves from every side more often than not. CC was a hell of a lot more useful now than ever before, so she wasn't an entirely unwelcome addition. [color=crimson][i]'None of 'em were scared off by Rael...not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.'[/i][/color] Graves thought to himself, a contemplative hand resting on his chin. [color=crimson]"Yeah...Test run ain't a bad idea."[/color] He mumbled in agreement. Wasn't the best team he'd ever built. Whether or not it was the worst was debatable. There were at least a couple of them he knew he could rely on to watch his back if push came to shove. Maybe the rest of 'em would prove themselves trustworthy, too, when all was said and done. [color=crimson]"We'll be startin' off small anyhow. If it turns out any of ya aren't up to this, least ya won't end up dead."[/color] Probably, anyway. Graves let his hands fall down to rest on his belt, shooting Rael a scornful glare as he transitioned into explaining his- Tessa's, really, but he was taking credit- proposition. He briefly looked in her direction before beginning his spiel, copying some of the things she'd told him earlier. [color=crimson]"Well as all of you've probably noticed, Thorinn's packed to shit with people and more of 'em keep streaming in every day. People are scared'a even low-level monsters now and won't risk so much as leaving. Demand for defensive items n' enchantments are at an all time high, n' since nobody's [i]leaving[/i] to hunt monsters and crawl through dungeons, supply is dwindling, too." "We're gonna take advantage of that. Head out into the wilds, find ourselves some low level mobs and encounters, n' get Tessa the supplies she needs to make her own enchantments. She'll sell 'em high, we'll split the cash among all'a us, and we'll make a killing. We'll make more than enough to live comfortably while we wait this bug out. Its safe enough, n' its better than sitting around here until we're all too poor to afford a piece of bread n' start to starve."[/color] [/indent][/indent]