[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/50VBWNfh/63507c917b644ae085a53d695ad43269.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2fa3b68ea7ccb5e241580009fa3f8dfe/tumblr_nrjjdcXvK71uq1wtvo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=8519A2]Arc I - Terreille in Trouble[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=SlateBlue]In the ruined town of Sharon, Shalador[/color][/h3] [color=SlateBlue]Interacting with[/color] [@Slim Shady] [@13org] [@Silverpaw] [@Zoey White] [@eclecticwitch] [color=SlateBlue]Counter of Days:[/color] 5 days [/center] [hr] Denvar and Bellinar were both amused by the interaction between Jandar and the Grey Jeweled Queen. Discussing bets on who would be coming out on top while the crate they were supposed to be loading back into the carriage lay in the dust forgotten for the time being. It was the older brother, Bellinar, who noticed Mikhail approached as Jandar went on a speech about Fatima protecting herself. Giving a friendly nod to the Dea Al Mon, the Warlord Prince nudged his brother with a shoulder to alert Denvar to their third companion to the group. [color=DarkKhaki]"That's more of a question for Gen, but you'd probably go keep an eye on the Queen."[/color] The man gave a cocky grin. [color=DarkKhaki]"Jandar is going to have his hands full."[/color] Whatever else the Eyrien was about to say was cut off as Xandar spoke up, urging the assassin to do the same. Denvar nodded, chiming in himself. [color=Tan]"We got four warriors around Faeril, and the Dhemlan is more of an Aristo sort. They are more squeamish about bloodshed."[/color] It was a grossly general statement but it did have a ring of truth to it. Those who were Aristo in Blood society did know how to fight, but against folk who were trained warriors like the brothers three, the Reaper, or the Dea Al Mon it would not be whose blood was bluest who won. [color=Tan]"Besides, we can't exactly go into town without every male there acting like we're declaring war."[/color] Some of the Eyrien queens liked to let loose their fighters to raid weaker villagers as a display of power, and it was as from a peaceful ribbing. Gen had caught up to Faeril and the two were finishing a heated if brief argument before the Warlord stomped back. If looks could kill, Faeril would have been one of the demon-dead there and then. [color=FireBrick]"I swear the next time she falls asleep, she's staying that way until we get out of Terreille."[/color] Swore the oldest of the brothers. [cplor=FireBrick]"Oh, look at me. I can light a tongue of witchfyre, so of course I'm fine! No need to worries."[/color] Snarled Gen in a false voice that mocked Faeril's own. [color=DarkKhaki]"What, did she bite you?"[/color] Crooned Bellinar with mocking care as Gen glared at him dangerously. [color=DarkKhaki]"You know how she is, brother. Give her space. It didn't help that we let that oversized bastard haul her about. Or are you jealous that you've lost his affections to her?"[/color] The younger brother barely dodged to the side as Gen took a swinging punch at him. Ignoring the two as the brawl broke out, Denvar shoved the crate into the Coach. Shaking his head at the others to indicate it was nothing to be concerned about. Merely a family squabble that would blow itself in time. As Xandar followed after Faeril and Sent the thought to her, the Black Widow jolted slightly. Her icy eyes glowering at him as she gave Xandar an annoyed look. [color=SlateBlue][i]"I do mind, but I doubt you'd leave if I ask. In my best interest. Pah!"[/i][/color] It was a harsh wording and edged in the bristles of her thoughts, but there was really no heat behind it. Just a mild annoyance from having three such males already hovering and now adding another. [color=SlateBlue][i]"I had almost forgotten Sending. It's been rather dangerous in my predicament to use it. Lest a fallen sister of the Hourglass were to catch my thoughts in her web."[/i][/color] The rough edge of the woman's temper sighed and disappeared like smoke on the wind. [color=SlateBlue]"[i]I sensed something, but I was not sure it was him. Whatever lies in that town Fatima must choose to face it or not on her own. It is not in our- my power to intervene when the web draws her forth."[/i][/color] There was hesitation in the thought as if Faeril was worried she had said too much. Black Widows saw things in their webs and could testily tease an answer out about the future. But they were fierce in their lack of explanation. For revealing too much was a risk to deny the choice that could turn everything rightly or wrongly. Pausing she glanced about her, not seeing the shifting shadow that slunk further away into the darkness of the house as they drew near, but no further. A raspy breathing Xandar could hear and the stink of old blood that floated from the shadows. [color=SlateBlue]"What company?"[/color] Hissed Faeril out loud, her head snapping about as she sought to sight this hidden intruder.