Lucien continued to instruct Cora on the pitch and transition between verses of the song. He scribbled away at his notes, changing the music notes at times to match Cora's singing as they made their way through the song. Normally he kept the siren's range in mind as he wrote his music, but sometimes hearing it in person made him change his mind on certain verses to match it better. The aim was to have perfect synnergy between her voice and the piano. He had to admit Cora had truly grown when it came to these things since he began to teach her the art of composing. He was always glad to take her opinion into consideration. [color=burlywood]"What do you think about this verse? We could probably afford to go a bit lower here, before raising the pitch a bit more toward the end?"[/color] He asked, glancing over at the mermaid. On occasion he'd shift his glance in Illy's direction, making sure the girl was still eating. Akane smiled as she listened to Lucien and Cora practice. This song was very soothing, and it made her feel all warm inside, she was sure that was the kind of feeling that the two were going for. This was one of the reasons why she loved the final day, getting to listen to the two of them perform like this. She simply couldn't wait to hear the final result of it. -- Ivory had not wasted much time in getting back to practice, she wanted to make the most of the time she had before Geralt returned. She did the performance again, and again, keeping in mind the points that had stuck out to her. It was easier not to overcompensate with her previous faults without the man's irritating presence there. She changed the dance just enough to make up for those mistakes, opening the curtain wider towards the end but in a more elegant manner before she had wrapped the silks completely around her in a smooth motion, completely blocking her sight from the audience. This was the best spot for that 'teleportation' to happen, though she supposed she'd have to wait for Geralt's return to test that. Once she was sure she had all the steps down and memorized, it was only then that she decided to take a break. The dhampir took a seat on the edge of the stage and let out a sigh. She couldn't deny that she was a bit tired, making that drop continuously was a bit straining on her ankle if she did it continuously for too long, but she didn't think she'd have to keep at it for much longer. She manifested a knife in her hand, before she threw it toward one of the nearest targets to pass the time, before pulling it back and doing it again. It was a nice way to pass the time.