[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/cJLLr4Fv/image.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3N5hCKFC/image.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Vv7F6QDF/source.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][/center][hr][center][h3][color=FF1C06][b]The Hub - San Fransisco: December 24th, 2020 - 5:30 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] [color=hotpink]Merry fucking Christmas from the other guy in the red suit! What's that? You thought I just took over things in X-Men? HA! I've become a world wide sensation, an orgasmic prince of storytelling, comedy, and crime. I even worked on [i]Frozen 2[/i] - yeah, let's just say that little sweet innocent Anna isn't as innocent as she wants you to think... And damn, Kristoff is flex-i-ble! Like damn! I'm not really sure if reindeers are better than people! But my newfound success and fame aside, I'm doing bigger and better things now than temporarily running an update or two when that annoying GM in X-Men is busy (psst, Blue, I love you boo... I'm totally not winking now either. Or crossing my fingers behind my back). I decided that the next thing worthy of my talents was to take over [b][i]an entire fucking storyline[/i][/b]. And with my jovial manner and love of the yuletide season, what better than to take the pesky little S.H.I.E.L.D. monkeys through a Christmas extravaganza? It's got heart, it's got pop culture references, hell if I can convince Parker it'll even have true loves kiss! And if we end up with some extra time, I'm catfishing Wolverine - he thinks I'm Jean Grey and that I am H.O.T. for him - so I guess you guys can join in! Now where were we? Oh right, the agents had decided to play just about the most boring drinking game they could come up with - there's no stripping involved, it's a tragedy, a real crime against humanity, I'm sure the Geneva Convention outlawed it. Some of those gifts people brought were real interesting too... Do I spy a wedding ring in the pile?[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=add3ff]Dominika Novikova[/color], [color=f6989d]Bonnie Chase[/color], and [color=d86615]Raynor Blake[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/59X4nyYf/ezgif-2-331129fffd21.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] the Common Room - the Hub [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [hr][/center] Novikova groaned as Maria started off the game. [color=add3ff]"I feel targeted already,"[/color] she told her girlfriend - well, fiancée really. They had gotten engaged during the entire House of M fiasco. She raised her glass and took a drink, enjoying the burning sensation of the vodka as it trickled down her throat. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Raynor took a drink to that question as well, nursing a bottle of rum. And Bonnie, Little Miss Perfect, just sat there patiently waiting for the next question to be posed. [color=d86615]"Really? You never had sex in a friend's room, Sparks? You sure about that?"[/color] Raynor teased slightly. The game was helping slightly to take his mind off of his parents' tragic fates. He didn't drink for Tempest's turn, the one detailing sending nude photos to someone - neither did Novikova or Bonnie. Novikova had never been much interested in sending nudes, preferring to see the naked physique in person... and Bonnie just wasn't into that sort of thing at all. It wasn't her area of interest. [color=f6989d]"Aww, Niah you shouldn't have,"[/color] Bonnie whispered back, giving her friend a quick hug. She then patted the seat next to her. [color=f6989d]"But I got you something too,"[/color] she then whispered again with a slight smirk. Bonnie wasn't about to be outdone or out surprised, after all - she was too competitive for that. With Oliver's turn, both Novikova and Raynor took a drink but once more Bonnie didn't. She was feeling a little bit self conscious, seeing how wild everyone else present was. She never had been much of a party girl. [color=f6989d]"Alright, my turn,"[/color] Bonnie began, before she got an evil grin on her face. [color=f6989d]"Never have I ever remembered an alternate reality,"[/color] she said, certain that she would pretty much get everyone in the room - with the exception of Matt and Oliver. [color=add3ff]"Oh fuck you, blondie!"[/color] Novikova complained. Her power revolved around seeing alternate lives - if Novikova hadn't felt targeted before, she certainly did now. She didn't even bother to just take a drink, instead downing two shots for good measure. Raynor came from an alternate reality, but he also remembered the Ultron timeline so he rolled his eyes and took a chug of his rum as well. [color=d86615]"Watch out, Chase, I'll get you,"[/color] Raynor warned, chuckling lightheartedly. [color=d86615]"Never have I ever... slept with Flynn!"[/color] Meanwhile, Tinley would hear soft [i]thumps[/i] coming from the ceiling - it easily could have been her imagination, they were so faint it was hard to tell if they were real or not. Maybe it was just a mild symptom of PTSD, after everything she had been through... was her mind looking for trouble now on Christmas Eve?