Kaleeth turned her head, moving her gaze between the others laughing around her. After a moment, she huffed and let out a short, low growl. "Shill noff..." She began, but ended up growling again in frustration. Meesei moved to help, but before she could actually do anything to assist, Kaleeth turned away and snapped her jaws down on the Indrik's stomach. She tore it open with hardly any effort and began feasting on its entrails. Meesei, meanwhile, shrugged and chuckled lightly. "She will be fine. For a werecrocodile, that swelling should go down shortly. Meesei explained. On Meesei's part, she decided to start tearing into its chest, as the heart was her goal. Meesei wondered if there was any part of an Indrik that was inherently magical in some way, though it would hardly be worth stopping the feast in order to find out.