Our priority should be to prevent the current beetle population from learning how they were brought into the colony. Ideally, any remnants of the previous colony should be eradicated, however, if we are unable to successfully track and destroy them we should ensure our own population will not question us. If any beetle begins questioning how it was that their species entered the colony they should be told a tale of how their old colony struggled to survive and was starving before us who mercifully supplied them with vast amounts of berries. Emphasis should then be placed on the greedy few who took some of our generous aid and fled to try and create a second doomed colony. Ensuring the subjected beetle population views the rogue population as an enemy will greatly reduce the odds of them rising up in rebellion against us. Strategy concept for dealing with tree bound hives- an even larger drone equipped with huge sharp mandibles that can work in groups to gnaw away at the base of trees.