[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191025/b775f0ba0483060c7cb2b54cafacaf7b.png[/img] [color=yellow][b]Confused by:[/b][/color] 「[@Ambra]」「[@NachoBachoPacho]」(Feat. Saloon Witnesses)[/Center] [hr] The warnings offered by both Simon and Jules left Donny quite confused: They seemed injured, but by what? Did they start a fight? They seemed to both imply plenty of danger, but nobody was approaching; And why the hell was Mr. Ten Gallon talking about ghosts? Donny's eyes shot over to the entrance of the saloon; Noticing Annie was over there. That meant the invisible man was, too. Wait. Weren't ghosts invisible? You could only like, feel their presence? Did Simon somehow tell that the invisible man was there? Donny suddenly felt suspicious of the gunman, if he could just sense the presence of that invisible man with ease. [color=yellow]"A ghost...?"[/color] Donny repeated, body shifting as he continued to observe the saloon entrance. Before he knew it, Annie was inviting them in for drinks. Seems like whatever the hell Jules and Simon were freaking out about was solved pretty easily. Were these two really competent? Simon won the first stage, but seemed so worried. And Jules was supposed to be his teacher, yet here she was as a bloodied pancake in the dirt. Kind of pathetic, wasn't it? Could she even walk? Well, whatever. Donny figured there was an easy solution. Without hesitation, Donny used a hand to grip one of Jules' ankles; His free hand patting Simon's arm. [color=yellow]"That girl's ghost ain't all bad, don't worry about 'em."[/color] He attempted to reassure the man, since he didn't seem too confident about the whole thing, before taking steps forward towards the saloon. With his step forward Jules' mangled body dragged slowly across the ground, in what was assumed agony that was disregarded by the short blonde-haired man as he towed her away. Donny offering nothing but a [color=yellow]"Let's go get that drink before heading off, eh, 'teacher'?"[/color] as he lazily brought her up into the establishment, not showing regard for if her body swayed or whatnot. If she hit her head, that wasn't his fault. Really, it was more so her fault for getting so beaten in the first place. Once inside, was when he noticed the man that was (As far as Donny could tell) The source of the problem: That man that had tipped his hat during the race while speeding past to gain a higher position in the race... The patrons in the bar were all terrified and looked ready to shit themselves as their eyes practically bounced out of their skulls looking at him. He hadn't caused Donny any problems so he wasn't going to say jack shit. However, he didn't need Jules to end up actually dead on the floor in here. So if people could refrain from beating the shit out of her more, that'd be great. Speaking of Jules, Donny finally let her go. As he released her ankle her leg hit the floor with a [b]WOMP[/b], leaving her a mess on the floor of the saloon. Looking down at her, he scratched his head as he wondered if she'd even get up from there. [color=yellow]"Oi, oi. You gonna get up or just lay down there, eh? Drinking's supposed to leave you crashed on the floor, you ain't supposed to start there."[/color] With that being as close to intelligent as Donny's words could, he watched her with a small grin as if finding amusement in thinking of what she'd do next.