GM: [@princess] CO-GM: [@FunnyGuy] Vampires. Witches. Lycanthropes. Nearly all would assume these beings to be products of fiction and superstition. But if you find yourself in the small town of Ember Grove, South Carolina, you should be inclined to believe otherwise. Well, that’s if you’re lucky enough to find out about them without becoming food or someone’s plaything. For a few hundred years, Ember Grove has been one of several settlements frequented by the supernatural. Though Ember Grove remains relatively stable, the town is hardly peace when adding up all of the missing person cases and homicide victims. Power struggles between supernatural factions that used to be fought in the realm of secrecy and silence have recently stirred up enough trouble to attract a formidable opposition… Hunters! They’ve been around since the first instance a man successfully fought back the creatures of the night and they continue to do so to this day. The once quiet town has become a battlefield for several factions, Which one will you join? [hider=Vampires]They are creatures that take on the appearance of humans yet need blood in order to continue living the way humans do. Sometimes, vampires are often referred to as the night children or children of the night. Vampires are immortal and do not age like humans. Many vampires live in large groups usually with hierarchies called clans. There are many groups across the world. They often take up territories in towns that seem to be erased off of maps. Some vampires elect to live in smaller groups of friends and family. Some are even loners. A good portion of vampires feel that humans are essentially potential meals. They see them as lesser beings they way we see pigs and cows. Vampires often laugh at hunters and are usually not even emotionally moved by them trying to defeat them. [/hider] [hider=Witches]Humans attuned to magical forces and channel these forces through the use of spellcasting. Witches blend into society with ease due to gaining minimal attention and having ways to subtly cover their tracks. The ability of witches are hereditarily passed down. While blending in with society many witches are secretly a part of an organized group known as a coven. Covens have multiple different witch families within and not limited to only to just one bloodline. [/hider] [hider=Lycanthropes]The children of the moon appear as human as much as vampires do. They are commonly known as werewolves, however, have the ability to change at will instead of only on full moons. They have the ability to shapeshift into humanoid, bi-pedal wolf creatures. The lycans are well-known for being at their strongest at a full moon. Newly-changed lycanthropes may shapeshift by force on their first few full-moons and lack control. Lycans can be found in packs usually in more wooded areas. Lone wolves exist but most enjoy packs. Alpha wolves that lead their packs are stronger the more lycans converted. People can be born lycans of course, but it makes an alpha much stronger to convert humans. Many consider themselves to be superior beings to humans. [/hider] [hider=Hunter] Humans who have dedicated their lives to hunting vampires, lycans, and witches. They use militaristic, supernatural, and scientific means to combat their supernatural foes. Hunters mostly aim to eliminate any and all supernatural that manage to appear in their crosshairs. Some hunters have a preferred target (Vampire Hunter, Werewolf Hunter, Witch Hunter), while others actively go for all things supernatural. [/hider]