[img]https://i.imgur.com/yW2VDaL.png[/img] [h3]Eastern Yharnam, relatively near the Hunter's clinic[/h3] Victor looked at Adelicia with impatience and wonder, his head cocked to the right as thoughts churned in his head while his gaze darted around to examine every part of her appearance and posture, only to return swiftly to the eyes whenever it strayed. He had a feeling that once, back when he was still human, he might have found the girl attractive, and he wondered why he felt no such attraction now that he was a Hunter. Was it simply that he truly identified as a different species altogether now, or was there a darker reason behind it? It could be that sexuality simply was no longer part of his nature, because rather than the arousal he might once have felt at her untainted, youthful appearance had been replaced by the thirst for blood and violence. He wanted to put his mouth on her throat not to kiss it, but to rip it out with his teeth and drink deeply of the crimson miracle within her. It was probably for the best that he did not mention thoughts like this to others, even other Hunters. He knew that some Hunters still had romantic relationships, some even with humans, and he was not certain that they would take his way of thinking well. Thinking on the Blood Saint's words, Victor shot a gaze to the west, over the rooftops and spires of central Yharnam, and looked at the darkening red hue sky. “To the Cathedral Ward? No.” He shook his head firmly. “Not only would night fall before we got there, but the bells have already tolled. You've heard the howling and screaming. Beasts are already in the streets. Traveling that far would be too dangerous. It would serve us better to find a place with plenty of incense near here and barricade it for the night. Provostus and I can focus on hunting once you are safe.”