Axley's face didn't show a skip of a beat as her business proposal was shot down the moment the shriek of what could be no less than a banshee was heard overhead, and didn't even bat an eye as she was talked down to by the rather assumptive and, dare she say, hot-blooded woman who seemed to claim ownership of the place. No, what she did instead was quickly stay the hand of her partner in crime. She could sense the animosity coming from the younger woman, and violence would get them absolutely nowhere. She'd had her fair share of rejections before; it was all part of the job, though she rarely had one so...close-minded and shrill. She debated simply packing it in and marching her way over to the other inn across the way, but before plans could formulate in her head, the voice of Fegus was quick to drown out any thoughts. Seemed she was stuck taking the handout one way or another. To contradict the lawyer at this point would look terrible to the rather judgmental woman who changed tune faster than she did between songs, and as much as she had her pride, she did not have any desire to mess up their time here along with her own. With a weak sigh, Axley put on a winning smile, bowing her head and saying nothing more on the matter, silently hating the moment until she could get out of the limelight. It could be a cruel mistress, it could, but the owner was quick to move she might as well follow suit. Chasing Fergus to the nearest table, Axley frowned for a moment at the choices. After what little they'd had the last few days, if it wasn't on her dime, might as well go for the food that sounded the most delicious. And that was..."The fried onion balls, please." Axley could remember the last time she'd had fried food; it was a couple of weeks before she'd lost her livelihood the first time. It was a rare treat for her to indulge in 'lowlife food', as her father had called it, but somehow it always was more scrumptious than the dinners he deigned to cook whenever he was home. Always a curious happenstance, especially when she looked back on it. With the barrister, Snow, and Sasuke likely handling the more urgent parts of business that evening, that left time for Axley to simply try and relax for the night, something she hadn't had the opportunity to do in the last few days. Usually to relax, she'd tune her lute and play a song for herself, but she knew she couldn't risk doing such a thing on the main floor, lest she invoke the ire of the owner yet again. She hadn't played in days now...a rare streak for her to uphold and one she intended on breaking the moment she got the chance. Likely later, once everyone went to sleep, she might play herself a lullaby. But until then, dinner had been served, and all thoughts beyond hunger fled her mind as she took the first delicious bite. When all you'd had but jerky the last several days, this may as well have been prepared by the gods themselves.