Lillith took great satisfaction in keeping Lock on his toes for the rest of the day. She avoided giving him any completely useless or impossible tasks, given that the town [i]was[/i] behind a few days and didn't have time to waste just to satisfy her spite, but she did have him run a few errands that weren't... explicitly [i]necessary[/i]. The vampiress never said anything to him except to give him orders and didn't acknowledge anything he said to her, either. She was determined not to let the trickster sweet-talk his way back into her good graces. He wasn't getting off the hook this time, no matter how cute his face was or how skilled he was with that tail. She wasn't falling for it this time. Nope. --- The bell above the door jingled cheerfully as Carmilla stepped inside the little store. "Welcome to the Witches' Shop! Best bargain in town!" Aggie's chipper voice reflexively called out from... wherever she was. Ah, there. The tip of her pointy hat poked out from behind a shelf visible through the door to the back room. She didn't wait for a response before shuffling back upstairs. Agatha was at the counter flipping through a Ghoul's Life magazine and periodically sending Shock thoughtful glances. The younger witch waved to Carmilla. "Anything I can help you with?" The countess shook her head. "No, thank you. I'm just here to pick something up. I know where it is." She stepped over to the ladder, where Shock was lazily poking at the glue holding a short broom to the ceiling. Carmilla cleared her throat expectantly.