Throughout the day, Lock made a few attempts to talk with Lillith, only to be stonewalled every time. Fine, so he told a few little lies to cover for his sister. No one got hurt, and it was a really good prank, so what was the big deal? He got more desperate as the day went on, even attempting werewolf pup eyes and knowing gestures with his tail to try to sway her. Yet Lillith held firm. By the end of the day, he'd all but given up trying, and just did the mundane tasks she assigned him. ~~~ Shock was currently trying to think of a way to switch out the wedding broom with Agnes', and thus didn't put nearly as much effort into getting it down as the other two. That it required the ladder and caution gave her more excuses to take her time. She gave a side glance to the door, scowled when she saw Carmilla, and went back to chipping off glue. She ignored Carmilla and Agatha for the most part, until Carmilla cleared her throat. "What?" she asked. She knew what. She didn't care.